Monday 21 February 2011

The Aberdeen "Comedy Circuit".

You may recall that I'm part of the Aberdeen University Comedy Society. Unfortunately for my immense talent, their gigs are infrequent and sparse. Therefore, I have decided to branch out and explore gig as part of the comedy circuit. Now, in Aberdeen, everything is micro sized. And example of how this affects comedy is simple...I have been in two gigs and comedians I met, I met again. Extras were repeated. And one of them is from Montrose, that is not Aberdeen.

Let's begin.

Aberdeen only has one regular comedy night, that's weekly. Frankly, pathetic. There are gigs here and there and professionals come here on occasion, the ones on Mock the Week and that, but for newcomers, it's a tough place to get a gig, especially with many comedians and sketch troupes coming up from Glasgow or Edinburgh. Some even come down from Inverness. So spots are packed tighter than something crude about an arsehole.

Anyway, I managed to scour the internet and get a few gigs with Aberdeen comics, most of whom are alchoholics. Honestly, the fact that they managed to say anything at all, never mind get a laugh, which they didn't, is close to defying all expectations of drunk behaviour. The first was at a place called Cellar 35, which gave me free bar as I was performing, therefore I was well and truly blotto'ed by the time I got onto stage, which gave me an extra verve of confidence, a good help. And then I had about four more pints. Dayumm.

Next gig was the RGU Union for some charity. Those gigs are usually a bust or whatever. MC was a drunk that made obvious connections:
"So what do you do?"
Media Studies
"Oh, issat something to do with the media?"


At that gig, I was thrown off guard several times and it was probably the worst of my performances. I was introduced with the wrong name and the audience was told that I was from Aberdeen University. Hostile reception guaranteed. Jokes got "ughh" instead of laughs. Fuck.

Tomorrow, I have a gig at the sole comedy club in Aberdeen. Wish me luck.

This was an extremely short blog that took hours to write. My life seems to be getting dull.

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