Monday 11 April 2011

The Huge Gap

It has been a while. A very long while. Not one of those average whiles.

Several reasons for this:
  • Increasing amount of reading
  • Deadlines
  • Laptop getting stolen/lost
I feel justified in my absence. Let's get up to date, shall we?

At this current time (roughly), I am on my "Easter" break, which ends before Easter, so I can get back to freezing Aberdeen. According to rumours, the weather is actually very nice there now. This does not bode well for me, as I do not get along with the heat or the sun. I mean the police and the newspaper, of course. Dry.

Back in London, as I constantly mentioned on my Facebook, I wondered what to do with my lack of funds. I received £30 of delayed birthday money. Unfortunately, this was spent mostly on a Mother's Day gift plus card, neither of which excited my mother that much. I'm a bad gift buyer, I have no regrets.

There was also a gig for me in Camden. The room was only slightly bigger than my living room and the crowd was mainly there for one act, a woman I think. Both female acts mentioned periods, big surprise. That is something that they've got to bring something new to. The amount of times I hear "Periods are awkward...especially if you're a man!"

Go fuck yourself.

The comedians were a mix of good and bad, the MC being energetic enough to keep the crowd engaged. My jokes seemed to get a shocked reaction, which is fairly disappointing as it seems after every gig I have to tone it down, just to tone it down further after the next gig. It's 2011, are abortions really that shocking? This isn't the Bible belt. It's Camden, there was probably a clinic round the corner in someone's dining room. And Princess Diana...what is the big deal?!

Maybe I'm the one in the wrong, if so, please let me know. Preferrably after watching one of my gigs or a clip (if I ever get one up).

Reading. Barely done any of it. I love reading, genuinely, but some of the book from the period of whatever are just dull. Robinson Crusoe is a struggle. Have you read it? It's detail packed upon detail and the dick hasn't even crashed yet. Apparently, he eventually finds a lime. I heard that, i hope it's a metaphor for something, because that's all I know about the book. His father hates him or something. There are other books that I need to buy first as well. Bugger. Gulliver's Travels? More like Gulliver's Rubbish!!!

Give me a break. It's hot.

Lent is not working. I gave up alcohol and go for days without it, but eventually cave in and drink. Maybe I am actually an alcoholic. I'll keep you posted. Or hammered.

This is extremely unfunny. Apologies.

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