Monday, 6 June 2011

The Last Night

The Last Night. What was supposed to be that anyway. The night we all come together and celebrate a year gone by, with some people actually leaving for a while. They didn't drop out, just got a year abroad. Same thing, I know.

All this celebration was the plan, there was even a goodbye video for somebody leaving. It was going to be great.

Well, the best laid plans of rice and wrens often go awry.

Quite a few exams finished today so most likely people were going to go overboard. Go into excess after a long few hours of revising before a multiple choice exam. I was merely having three showers before 6pm as the heat was devestating for somebody as overweight and uncomfortable as me. It must be the gravity, it's unbearable.

Anyway, people were going to the local shitty, cheap pub before heading out into town and the plan was to show the Goodbye DVD there. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it, as I had to turn up to an Arts Societies gig to raise money for some Estonia thing. As I have learned on several occasions, these shows go on for far too long and have very little quality control. Extremely little. Not even within the societies is there any control. The Creative Writing Society is the biggest example of prentious tripe filled with "realistic" dialogue, also known as "shit" dialogue.

The best poem I have ever heard was also presented again which starts with the line, "I fucking love my grandmother, I fucking do."


There were many acts. The improv fell dead on their arse just as we were about to ask them for lessons on how to improvise. The Dancing Society and the Beatboxing Society were relatively good, had some skill. Better than the Creative Writing or the Improv. I noticed that the Arab House Society has failed to show up, despite beating Comedy Society to "Best New Society" at the Societies Ball. Scared to show their faces as they know I will rip their spies out from their belly button.

Or they weren't invited.

We went on far too late in the night, reception was not the best. I carried on drinking.

Eventually, I called the party people that I knew and wondered where they were in town. It was past eleven o'clock, they had to be in town for any chance of them getting to a club on time. Called up and most of them were still at the pub as the "Guest of Honour" or "The One Who's Leaving" had decided to cry and pass out after the video and a dirty pint. Selfish really. Then, there were revelations as some had indeed gone into town and only a small group had stayed behind.


After rejecting friendship, I went in search of those I knew less well, but were in town. Therefore, friends. They were outside a bar nearby, but were due to be leaving soon. I walked very briskly to get there. I didn't run, can't pull it off stylishly. No way. Got to the Gothic-themed bar where everyone within a relationship was doing their best to end by fighting about something. I didn't really pay attention, it was neither my business nor interesting. Two cocktails downed, not that I had the money for them. Onto the generic club, Liquid.

I don't remember much else, except that Smirnoff Ice was very cheap that night and it was shit.

Happy New Semester or whatever.

Yeah, I lost effort midway through again. Habit.

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